Thai version of Traumatic experience scale (TES)
Traumatic Experience scale (TES).pdf
TES, is a 25-item self-report questionnaires, measuring level of experience childhood trauma in physical and emotional aspect ( excluding sexual aspect) . It is 5-Likert type response, from “never” “always".
Psychometric properties
Priliminary Rasch analysis results in a small sample of 50, shows that the TES fits with the Rasch measurement model. It has sufficient unidimensional ( 1st contrast = 1.80, disattenuated correlation between person measure = 0.8282 ), INFIT/OUTFIT MNSQ ranges from 0.71-1.52. Person SEPARATION = 3.3, PERSON RELIABILITY .81, Cronbach’s alpha = .92. Item SEPARATION = 3.04, and ITEM RELIABILITY = .90. No category item or threshold is found.
Coding and scoring
No reversing values for all items was required before summing up. TES scores range from 25 to 125.
In general, the higher the score, the more the experience were indicated. However, we could use the distribution of scores based on the respective sample. TES index has not yet produced.