The Modified Thai Version of Champion’s Health Belief Model Scale (MT-CHBMS) is a Translated Thai version that included ultrasound section, which is now commonly used in breast cancer screening.
Champion’s Health Belief Model Scale (CHBMS) is one of the widely used screening tools to address the issues concerning the researcher’s question. CHBMS, based on the Health Belief Model, is a tool used to identify knowledge and beliefs influencing health behaviors.
While the original CHBMS comprises 53 items for eight subscales, the MT-CHBMS comprises 64 questions for ten subscales: susceptibility (five items), seriousness (seven items), benefits of BSE (six items), barriers to BSE (six items), benefits of mammogram (six items), barriers to mammogram (five items), benefits of ultrasound (six items), barriers to ultrasound (five items), confidence (eleven items), and health motivation (seven items). The 11 items added to the original CHBMS included benefits of ultrasound (six items) and barriers to ultrasound (five items). Some examples of the questionnaire include “It is likely that I will get breast cancer”, “Having a mammogram will help me find lump early”, and “WhenI dobreast self-examination, I feel good about myself”. The scales were measured with an ordinal scale using a five-point Likert type 1: “Strongly disagree”, to 5: “Strongly agree”. Each subscale can be used independently. In the case of overall assessment of the awareness of breast cancer and screening methods, the total score can be adopted but y questions concerning barriers must be reversed before summing up
Psychometric property
The modified 10-factor solution CFA(MT-CHBMS). All factor loading coefficients were significant (p<0.001) and ranged from 0.413 to 1.029. the fit statistics were assessed to demonstrate how well the cfa model fitted the data. the model fit statistics of the eight-factor solution ofmodel t-chbm were as follows: chi-square=2488.868, df=1879," df="1.324,TLI=0.961,CFI=0.964,andRMSEA(90%CI)=0.050(0.045–0.055)." except for the motivation subscale, 21 pairs of error terms in each subscale of t-chbms and 23 pairs of error terms of mt-chbms were correlated. all these error terms suggested healthcare 2023,11,128 10 of 15 a high correlation between items and became the potential sources of the model misfit.
MT-CHBMS Questionnaire- participant.pdf
แบบสอบถาม MT-CHBMS ภาษาไทย.pdf
Champion, V. L., Suriyong P., Jiraniramai S., et al. (2023). Translation, Adaptation, and Validation of the Modified Thai Version of Champion's Health Belief Model Scale (MT-CHBMS), doi: 10.3390/healthcare11010128