Prof. Wongpakaran joins the Division of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in the 10th CMU DM education camp in Phitsanulok. The participants are 60 DM patients at DM clinic, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai. The camp is held between 16-18 Jan 2015.
Talk title: 'Mood and DM' [อารมณ์กับความ (เบา) หวาน]
Date: 17 Jan 2015
Time: 16.30-17.45 hh
Venue: Wang Chan River View Hotel
The talk includes the relationship among DM, depression, and cognitive disorders. Besides lecture, Prof. Wongpakaran arranges 3 workshops on 1) positive emotion survey, 2) Mini-Cog testing and 3) experience in guided imagery.